Moon Water & Crystal Elixirs

By: Michelle Cicala
July 7th, 2017

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”  ~Carl Sagan

The Power of the Full Moon:
Everything in nature has beautiful qualities that we can learn to adapt into our life. One of the most powerful of these is the Moon.  Each lunar phase is unique and has distinctive magical energies we can draw on.

The full moon is the most powerful lunar phase. We use the full moon to clear and clean our crystals and magical tools. This extremely powerful lunar energy helps to remove all dense, stored up energies, washing the crystal clean (like the tides cleanse the beaches) and re-energizing it. The full moon is the time to charge moon water and crystal elixirs, and perform rituals of protection.

This a time for focusing on our blessings and gratitude. It is a time to be mindful of all that we have, and all that we have created. A time to express and receive, to open our hearts, and feel the connection we have all around us and fill our cups.

Moon Water:
Moon water is water that has been charged with intent and blessed by moon light. Moon water is used as a magical tool to remind us of our powerful prayers. Every sip centers us. It brings our awareness back to our intention and the loving support of the Moon Goddess.

1.       Find a large glass container and fill with fresh drinking water.

2.     Bless the water with sage

3.      Charge your water! Take a moment to pray and meditate on your intention. What do you want to manifest in your life at this time?

4.     Place the water outside with a clear view of the full moon. (A window can also work.) You can create a sacred space to charge your moon water by placing crystals, and other special objects around your jar and charging them too!
I also like to charge my crystals, paint brushes, runes, and magical tools in the full moon light!

Crystal Elixirs:
Water is a powerful conductor of energy and is able to easily take on the crystals frequency and qualities.
When setting your intention, take some time to meditate and ask your guides what crystals are best for your goals. You can also ask your crystals to guide you on which ones are best for your purpose. The wisdom of our heart is much wiser than what we may read from books. Trust your intuition.

There are 2 methods to creating crystal elixirs~ Directly & Indirectly. Some crystals have elements or have been exposed to elements that can be harmful if consumed. Such as moonstone- it can contain aluminum.  Always check to see if your crystals are safe to add directly to your water. A great list of crystals that contain toxins can be found on When in doubt use the indirect method.

Indirect Method:
This method is used when the crystals cannot be added directly to the drinking water.
o   Set your intention.
o   Choose your crystals.
o   Bless and sage your vessel and drinking water. A glass container is always best for a vessel.
o   Use another larger bowl and fill with water and your crystals. As you add your crystals to the drinking vessel take time with each one to focus on its energies and to thank it for its help in manifesting your goals.
o   Put lid on vessel~ so your cat doesn’t drink out of it.
o   Place your drinking vessel inside the larger bowl so that the crystals are arranged around it.
o   Charge the vessels, crystals, and water with your intentions, prayers, and gratitude.
o   These can be placed directly in the sun or full moon light. If you use moonlight be sure to retrieve them before dawn.
o   The drinking vessel is now full of elixir. It will not need a preservative because the crystals were not in contact with the water. 
o   Store in a cool dry place.
o   This is now your Mother Essence. Which can be used to make smaller batches of elixir, and added to oils, or sprays using a few drops at a time.

Direct Method:
Most of the quartz family~ clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, etc. are safe for the direct method.
o   Once you have made sure that the crystals you plan to use are safe for consumption, rinse them well in water.
o   Take some time to set your intention.
o   Bless and sage your vessel and drinking water. A glass container is always best for a vessel.
o   Add your crystals to the drinking vessel taking time with each one to focus on its energies and to thank it for its help in manifesting your goals.
o   Put lid on vessel~ so your cat doesn’t drink out of it.
o   Place the drinking vessel in the direct sunlight or full moon light. If you use moonlight be sure to retrieve it before dawn.
o   Once your elixir is charged and ready you will need to add a preservative to keep bacteria from growing. Add a touch of distilled vinegar to preserve the essence.
o   Store in a cool dry place.
o   This is now your Mother Essence. Which can be used to make smaller batches of elixir, and added to oils, or sprays using a few drops at a time.

Crystal Meanings:

Carnelian: Sacral Chakra (Direct)
Taking action, changes, make it happen.

Citrine: Solar Plexus Chakra (Direct)
Clarity, creativity, imagination, connection to Higher Self

Amethyst: Crown Chakra (Direct)
Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictions

Quartz: All of the Charkas (Direct)
Amplification of intention, clearing, cleansing, healing, magnification of ambient energies.

Rose Quartz: Heart Chakra (Direct)
The ultimate healing and self-love stone

Laborite: All Chakras! (Indirect)
Magic! Protection

Blue lace Agate: Throat Chakra (Direct)
Communication, clarity, clear expression

Green Aventine: Heart Chakra (Direct)
Vitality, Abundance, Growth, Confidence

Blue Apatite: Third Eye (Direct)
Appetite suppression, psychic activation, access to knowledge

Moonstone: Third Eye, Crown Chakra (Indirect)
Mystery, self-discovery, intuition, dreams

Rutilated Quartz: All Chakras (Direct)
Programmable for attunement, amplification, expanding awareness

Elixir Recipes:
Self-love & Healing:  (Direct Method)
Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst

Prosperity and Abundance: (Direct Method)
Citrine, Green Aventine, Amethyst

Health and Weight loss: (Direct Method)
Blue Apatite, Rose Quartz, Carnelian

Spiritual Connection:  (Indirect Method)
Laborite, Quartz, Amethyst

Confidence & Self Assurance: (Direct Method)
Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Amethyst

Crystal Elixirs can be used to affirm your intentions by taking a few drops daily by mouth or by anointing the chakras. You can also use your elixirs to bless plants and animals, or for oils and sprays.

~Blessed Be ~ Michelle Cicala


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