Connecting to the Goddess
Goddess Luna~ acrylic painting 2017 |
I was blessed to have been called by the Goddess at the age of 15 years old. In the beginning She seemed a distant, and intangible being, and I only felt close to her when I was out in nature. When I was 25, I dove into my spirituality with an enthusiasm I never had before. I was in search of a Higher Power. A power greater than my addiction, a power to help me recover. My life depended on it. I remember my mentor saying it didn't matter what Higher Power I chose, but I should have a relationship with it and I should have a name for it. I was unable to do that at that time, and so all my prayers began the same. "Dear God and Goddess, thank you for another day clean..." I am so grateful for that simple prayer and the peace and serenity it has brought into my life.
As time has gone on my spirituality has evolved and so has my relationship with the Goddess. Today, I am familiar with her many names, forms, cultures, and history. However, I love that I will never know them all.
I started working with Goddess energy rather randomly. I would have an intention or spell I wanted to try and I would research to find a Goddess that might be best to help me with my magic. Last year, I was called by the Goddess Hecate. I knew immediately that this relationship with this particular Goddess was special, and after some very meaningful clear signals from Her, I decided to devote my next year and a day to working with Hecate and Her unique energies. As a devotee of Hecate, I am still learning about and creating relationships with other Goddesses as well as working with them in ceremony.
When working magic and in ceremony, it would be unwise to evoke a Goddess we have not connected with before. It is like calling on a stranger, and would be disrespectful. Proper introductions are important. So how does one begin a relationship with a Goddess, once they have felt called to work with her? How can we connect and relate to Her in a way that goes deeper than reading Her history from books?
Here are some of the ways I have tried that have helped me to connect with the different Goddesses, before I evoke them in ceremony. This method would be appropriate weather the Goddess is Aphrodite, Quan Yin, or Hela. I begin my exploration by asking who, what, when, where, why, and how.
The first question is, who is this Goddess? Followed by lots of reading, research online, and cross referencing. Goddesses can have confusing histories. They can have multiple names, and cultures associated with them. I try my best to get a firm understanding of the Goddess's history and related myths before going further.What:
Next, I ask myself what? What particular energies does this Goddess work with? What are Her strengths and weaknesses, and how do they align with my own? Does this Goddess possess powers and energies that I feel are qualities I possess and want to enhance in my life? Or does this Goddess have energies that I feel I lack, that I would like to manifest in my life? By knowing what energies the Goddess works with I can discover how she can help me, and why I've been called her in the first place. If she is the Goddess of compassion, I look at where compassion is lacking in my life, including my compassion for myself. If she is a Goddess known for romance and and desire, I look at the romantic areas of my own life, and see how she can help me. If she is a Goddess known for darkness and great transformation, I look at what shadows I possess that are in need of healing.
I also like to look at what elements this Goddess relates to or uses. Is She a Goddess of fire, air, earth, water, or some combination? By looking at what elements are sacred to Her we can create ceremonies and spells that best fit Her and Her magic.
Certain Goddess energies will surface and become more present during particular seasons or Sabbats. I love discovering and working with new Goddesses inspired by the lunar calendar or in correspondence with the Wheel of the Year. If you are new to working with Goddess energies this is a wonderful way to explore!
Visualization is very important to my practice, and so my next question is where? Where would I go in my mind's eye or through shamanic journey to connect with this Goddess? After all, if I am going to call upon Her energy I should maybe go to her first. Does she live in the Underworld, Iceland, or on the planet Venus? By knowing where I can find Her, I can better visualize and meditate with Her. When I begin to visualize and meditate with the Goddess, I feel patience is a virtue. I don't immediately ask Her for her help or energy, instead I find it an honor and blessing to be in Her divine presence. I have found great healing and energy shifts have occurred in my life just by sitting in silence with Her.
It is also important to ask why. Why I have I been called to work, honor, and form a relationship with this particular Goddess, at this particular time in my life? Why has She choose me? What strengths, assets, and challenges have called Her to me? When we are first called to work with a Goddess the reasons may be very unclear to us, but by the time the relationship has run its course the reasons will be revealed without a shadow of doubt.
Finally I ask how? How would She prefer that I work with Her? After all, we are talking about a powerful deity that must be honored and respected at all times. What should Her alter look like? What stones, crystals, and colors would She prefer? What flowers and foods can I offer? Would She prefer I offer Her an act of love? Would she prefer the offering of me overcoming a fear in Her name? After considering all of this I arrange altar or shrine to use as a tangible space for me to feel Her presence. This helps me enormously. Whether big or small, elaborate or simple, the physical act of creating a sacred space where I can pray, meditate, light candles, and talk to Her is where our relationship develops the most. I introduce myself to her as I would to anyone I'm meeting for the first time. I let her know who I am, and why I feel called to her. I pray and listen to Her guidance through meditation and visualization. I take time each day for devotions and to connect with Her energy. If I plan to call on her in an upcoming ceremony, I ask for permission after I explain to Her who will be present and what we will be doing in the ceremony.
This beautiful Goddess energy has the power to transform our lives for the better, but it should not be rushed or we will miss out its gifts. With time and effort our relationship is built on a foundation of trust, faith, and reverence. We learn to incorporate Her teachings, gifts, and energies into our daily lives, and to share her blessings and power with others. Some Goddess energies call us for the day, some for a moon, and some for a year and a day, or a lifetime.
No matter how much time and energy is spent in creating a relationship with a particular Goddess, I take comfort knowing that I can call on her at any time once that connection has been made. I can tap into Her strength and rely on Her power at any moment, She will be there for me. The most beautiful gift of all is realizing that when we honor the Goddess we honor ourselves. When we take time to connect with the Goddess we are connecting to our own spirit, and when we create a relationship with the Goddess we are empowering our own heart-space.
Today, the Goddess is not an intangible being looking down on me from some far away cloud. Today, the Goddess dwells within my heart, and I am so grateful for the empowering intimacy of our relationship.
Blessed Be!
Lunar Shadow~ acrylic painting 2017 |
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