Moon Magic!

Moon Magic
 It all starts with the moon....
The Mother Moon is our Goddess, our mirror, our light, and our path. When we honor the moon we honor the Goddess that dwells in us all. The Moon is so powerful, that two times a day she changes the tides on Earth. Her power effects nature, animals, and humans more than we know. Women are made of more water than men and feel her power and connect to her energy more easily.
By tracking the moon cycles, and how we are we are progressing in life and feeling, we tap into the rhythm of our inner workings in the Universe! It is so simple and profound! Since I have started Moon worship my life has changed dramatically I feel a piece of stability and a connection that I've never felt before.

New Moon

It begins with the New Moon our Dark Mother. This is the time to start new projects, make plans, set goals, plant the seeds of your dreams and give them to the Goddess to tend! There are three nights of the Dark Moon, the middle night is the most powerful , but all 3 work for for ceremony.

Waxing Crescent
The Dark Moon grows into the Waxing Crescent the silver sliver in the sky gives us fresh energy and focus. It launches our projects are goals and dreams into reality. This is the time to gather our tools for the work ahead, and map out our plan of action. For magic does not work alone. We must do the footwork!

Waxing First Quarter
As the Moon Goddess grows to the First Quarter phase, we gather momentum. We need it, because this is a time we may run into challenges. We pay attention to signals that She may be sending us on the right action to take. We look to our families, friends, and coven sisters for support and encouragement.

Waxing Gibbous

The next phases Waxing Gibbous. This is when the goddess asked us to edit and refine our goals and manifestations. We ask ourselves - Are we on the right track? Where do we need to be patient? We nurture ourselves, and our dreams. We trust in the Goddess and our Faith grows!

Full Moon

Full moon in all her glory is pure love and light! This is the peak of energy.  Full of blessings, joy, and gratitude! It is a blossoming and a celebration. The full moon asked us to assess our life and see what needs to be cut, released, and cleared. We need to make room for the new, the beautiful, and healthy. We cannot expect to receive when we are clinging to old patterns. We must empty out and create space for new blessings.
There are three nights of the Full Moon all 3 are powerful times for ceremony. The peak however is the middle night.
Waning Gibbous Moon

As the Moonlight starts to dwindle we shift into the Waning Gibbous phase. We are asked to release in order to receive. We place ourselves in a position of service to others. We others in good faith and gratitude that we are in an abundant place and our dreams are being manifest.

Waning Last Quarter

The Waning Last Quarter Moon requires us to remain faithful as the Goddess breaks down, readjusts, and catapults us into transition. This is a place of forgiveness, and decomposition as what we release leaves us we may feel afraid of the void left in it's place. However, the void is sacred and necessary in order for us to truly know abundance. Our Goddess has plans for us better than anything we could ever plan on our own. She is the weaver of destiny, and creator of the web of life where all is connected.Our greatest good is held in Her heart of hearts.

Waning Crescent

That last sliver of light looks like the Goddess's fingernail and is the Waning Crescent. This phase asks us to surrender, rest and restore. This is a point of reflection. We look back at the moon cycle and track progress, our struggles, and our faith. Here we are composting. We are breaking down what no longer serves us. So that our lives can be enriched. This is the time for us to listen to our intuition because the seeds of the next cycle are being planted in this beautiful nurturing soil we have co-created with the help of the Goddess.

We are so blessed as the cycle begins again! Our Dark Mother Rises and asks us where would we like to grow this time? What do we want to bring into our life? What a beautiful process!

We are so blessed by our Mother Moon. I can not express how grateful I am to moon magic. It has given my practice a depth and consistency, that I have craved. It's nice to keep a moon journal and track the phases of the moon along with what's going on our life. I enjoy writing letters to the Goddess of the Moon on New Moons and Full which are released in ceremony. I will have many posts of moon ceremonies soon to share with you. I would love to hear about your practice, and anything you'd like to share about your experience with moon magic in the comments.

Blessed Be!


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