Waxing Crescent Moon

Waxing Crescent Moon
Did you see her last night? I caught a glimpse of Her when I was driving home and She took my breath away. I immediately felt supported, affirmed, and loved.

The Waxing Crescent Moon is the beginning of the manifestation process. Our energy is refreshed. We tap into to our intuition and are blessed with Divine inspiration, as we shift our dreams and goals out of our minds and into reality. We become co-creators with the Goddess, mapping out the next steps to manifesting our prayers from our New Moon ceremony.

Gather your tools, journal, ask your self what is the first action step in creating the life I want?
As the Moon's light grows so does our courage, faith, and excitement. We live in a world where what we focus on, we speak, and we pray ~is what we see!

Through shamanic journey, meditation, and prayer we ask our Spirit Guides for their help, support, and guidance in this process. We feel confidant knowing the Universe supports us, as well as a whole entourage of power animals, angels, and ancestors.

There is no dream or goal too great or too small to give to the Moon. You were born to thrive, inspire, and shine!


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