Collective Energy

Working As A Solitary Practitioner Or In A Coven

The decision to work as a solitary practitioner of magic or in a coven, is a personal one that every witch must make for herself. I worked as a solitary practitioner most of my life. When I was young, I didn't know many who are on the path of the Goddess, and so solitary practice was what made the most sense at that time. 

When I got older, I begin to meet other Pagans who shared my beliefs and practices. However, an experience I had at the age of 17 made me very wary of practicing with others I didn't know well, in case the energies they called upon, and intentions they had were not in alignment with my own.

Working as a solitary practitioner gave me the freedom to go at my own pace. For a time, I was very self-conscious about doing things perfectly. Almost to the point where it kept me from doing magic at all. However, as I grew into my practice I came to appreciate the freedom of working alone. Working solitary gave me the  ability to make impromptu creative changes to my rituals, and the freedom to express myself in anyway I wanted, without fear of judgement or of doing something improperly. The time I spent practicing in solitary has strengthened my connection with Spirit in beautiful ways and I am so grateful.

As my comfort and connection has grown, so has my desire to share with others. I am so grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from my family, friends, community. It is truly a gift to connect and share with other Pagans. A while back, I started the search for a coven in the Bay Area. It didn't take long for me to feel intimidated and overwhelmed. There are so many types of practices some are steeped in tradition and can trace their roots all the way back to Europe, others are more free-flowing and an easy going. However, none of them seemed to fit my vision or my practice quite right. I'm grateful that my friend suggested to me, "Why don't you start your own?"
And so it is! I spoke to a few close witchy spiritual friends, who I felt connected and comfortable with, and asked them if they would like to create a New Moon Sisterhood with me. We began as a group of five, all of us we new at working in a group in ceremony and at our sharing practices.

I wrote our first New Moon ceremony full of nerves and anticipation. It was so wonderful and fulfilling to share that sacred night and ritual with my sisters. That night we spoke of our dreams and intentions for ourselves, for our coven, and for our planet. We began to manifest our growing spiritual community of love, healing, sisterhood, and magic.
Working in a coven has given my practice the consistency and structure that I was in need of. It inspires me to deepen my understanding and spiritual practice for the good of our group. To learn more, so that I may share more, and to walk the path of Goddess to the best of my ability. Working as a coven I feel supported and understood as I walk hand-in-hand with my sisters.
With each new moon meeting our sisterhood and practices deepen. Our ceremonies become more natural, powerful, and creative. We are proud to have held a Solstice and Equinox celebration where we were able to share our beautiful practice and traditions with friends, and family, and especially our children. Exposing them to Pagan practices they may have never witness before, or that they partake in all the time and never realized was Pagan at all. 
On the last New Moon, our Sisterhood decided to take a big step in manifesting our desire for growth and connection. We are opening up our group from the small coven of now 9 to 13 members. We want to share the gifts of ceremony, magic, and connection with others, and we are excited to see what beautiful gifts our new members will bring to our group. 

We are an eclectic group who honor the Moon, elements, and the Goddess. We honor and respect all spiritual paths and beliefs. We believe in the power of collective energy, intent, and manifestation. Together we are discovering, learning, growing together as sisters.  
To become a sister of the new moon, our requirements are simple. We ask that she be open minded, have a desire to deepen her connection to the Goddess, and to make new moon ceremony a priority each month, as well as helping us organize the Solstice and Equinox celebrations.  If you are interested in honoring the Goddess in ceremony and would like more information about joining our New Moon Sisterhood please message me. We are honored to walk this path together and grow our community in Her glory.

Blessed Be!


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