Protecting Your Vibe and Space
Protecting Your Vibe and Space
Throughout our day, we are bombarded with energies. We encounter energy everywhere we go, with every interaction, and person that we meet. We pick up the energy as we scroll on our phones, and with each message we receive. This wears on our serenity and spiritual fitness. Spiritual fitness is important so that we can receive energy channel it, and decide how to respond (not react) appropriately.
One of the first types of protection is protecting the energetic body. One of my favorite ways of protecting my aura or energetic body, is through a simple bubble meditation. I do this to start my day, before giving someone Reiki healing, or when I know that I'll be interacting with a person who may be considered an energy vampire. I protect my energy and my serenity with this simple meditation.
I close my eyes, and focus on my breath. In my mind's eye, I go for a little walk nature. There's a path that I particularly like to walk down. When I get to the end of the path, I go up a little hill and sit in the grass and there in my meditation, I meditate. When the time is right and I feel grounded and centered, I imagine a beautiful iridescent bubble high above me in the sky. It slowly floats down and surrounds me with love, light, and protection. I take this bubble with me throughout my day, and I'm grateful for the peace and security that it gives me.
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Bubble of Protection |
It's best to be proactive and wear your bubble before you start to pick up others energy. However, it's never too late- if you feel yourself getting sucked in, or you feel something attach itself to you that is not yours- I would suggest you smudge with some sage and put on your bubble.
Creating a sacred circle
for ceremony is another form of protection. Our sacred circle of protection keeps out dark energies and any other energy that would not be helpful or are not
needed at that time. To create a circle of protection is quite simple. You can
do it with sage. Or with salt water. I like to do both because it
includes all the elements: Earth- is the salt, water, fire, and air- is the smoke of
the sage. Start in the East and circle your entire ceremony area 3 times, as you walk the circles imagine radiant white light surrounding you and your space. Once this is done, you can move on to grounding yourself, and
calling in the quarters.
Recently, when the fires in Northern California
we're out of control and the smoke was so toxic and thick I couldn't
take my girls to school, I started to think seriously about home
protection. Our homes are our sanctuaries and retreats from the energy we
encounter and the outside world. It's important that we control and
protect our space from any energy that would interfere with the serenity that
we are trying to cultivate for ourselves and our families. Serenity is
priceless protect it!
Over the years, I have been honored to preform home blessings, and clearings, for
friends. When moving to a new home it's nice to do a home blessing to clear out any energy that may be left from previous owners and to bless and introduce
ourselves to the energies that are already in that space. After all, our
homes are relatively new when we think of the time your particular plot of land has
been part of the Earth. We cannot own the Earth, we are merely temporary caretakers for it and for where we live. When we hold a ceremonial home blessing we are regarding our Earth, home, and the energies with respect that is appreciated, with this as our intention we can live peacefully.
A home blessing as ideal when we first move in, but we can clear and bless our
home anytime. Think of it as a spiritual house
cleaning. Sacred herbs are burned and salt water is sprinkled throughout the home. I love to add gemstones in each corner as well. This creates an energetic grid on the floor that is so grounding and beautiful. Some of my favorite stones to use for this
are rose quartz and carnelian.
Outside the home, I've painted runes and sigils of
protection under the door mats, around door frames, window frames. This can
be done with paint if you're bold and own your home or it can also be done
with salt water and be just as effective. I used a special spell for the peephole in the front door. As we bless our homes we ask the Goddess and our guides for protection. We ask for the spirits and energies to respect
our space and our intent.
Another space we spend a lot of time in and is worth protection, is our cars. The time we spend getting from point A to point B is important and can have great affect on our serenity. We can take time to smudging our cars by burning sage, but keeping a bottle of sage spray is really lovely for on the go. I keep a few crystals in my center console to ground me when I start to feel rushed or anxious. I also keep a very large crystal under my drivers seat, that has been charged by the moon with the specific intent of protection. Having our cars cleared and blessed with grounding energy can make a huge difference in our daily lives. I also enjoy taking a few moments to breathe and meditate before going into my destination or after.
When we make efforts to cultivate serenity in our lives, we take it with us wherever we go, and it ripples out into the Universe and back to us threefold! When we start to take responsibility for our vibe and space, we start see opportunities to incorporate protection rituals everywhere... imagine love, light, and protection covering you as you shower in the morning, draw a protection rune on a post-it-note and stick it under your desk at work, draw protection runes with your lotion on your skin... your creativity is unlimited!
When we make efforts to cultivate serenity in our lives, we take it with us wherever we go, and it ripples out into the Universe and back to us threefold! When we start to take responsibility for our vibe and space, we start see opportunities to incorporate protection rituals everywhere... imagine love, light, and protection covering you as you shower in the morning, draw a protection rune on a post-it-note and stick it under your desk at work, draw protection runes with your lotion on your skin... your creativity is unlimited!
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Crystals! |
By preforming any protection ceremony we take control and we take responsibility for
the energy that we invite and allow in lives. After all, runes at the
door can only do so much, we are ultimately responsible for our own
energy, and for what we invite into our space, our lives, and what we allow to affect our serenity. I hope this inspires you to create your own protection practice, one that brings you peace and serenity.
Blessed Be!
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