
Welcome! To my new blog Triple Moon Magic! I write this first entry on the night of the New Moon in October, the final New Moon in this turn of the wheel. I am filled with excitement for the year to come~ a year full of magic, ceremony, growth, and of community. I intend for this blog to be a place of sharing and inspiration.

I have been a Pagan all my life. I am self taught and have practiced alone most of my life. As my spiritual journey has progressed, I have found myself wanting to share my practice with others. To be in ceremony with my sisters, and to share the blessings of walking the the path of the Goddess.

This blog will be full of my eclectic spiritual wanderings. I have found I learn the most by teaching and sharing with others. I practice witchcraft, shamanism, reiki healing, guided meditation, and more. I love all types of divination, and have found that I have a passion for creating art, crafts, and tools while in ceremony. I pray that what I share inspires you to cultivate your own connection with the Goddess, the elements, and with your self.

Please, feel free to customize my offerings to fit your own practice. I do ask that you give my blog credit if you share what you find here.

And so it is!
Blessed Be!

Moon Goddess Original Acrylic Painting By Michelle Cicala


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