Home Blessings and Protection Grids

I have written a lot lately on protection, but it is so important that protection and shielding are in place before performing ceremonies and magic. The following is a ceremony I wrote for performing a home blessing and creating a energetic grid of protection. This can be done when you first move in a new home or apartment, or after you have lived there for sometime. It can be done through out the whole house or adapted for one room. 
When we preform a house blessing we are working with the energies of the house and honoring them, as well as releasing any energy that needs to be cleared and released. We will never fully clear a space, our intention should instead be on living in harmony with the energies and elements in the space. 

Uraz~ Rune for Home

Home Blessing and Protection Grids
Stand outside your  front door with sage walk in the house and cast a circle by walking thru each room of the house you wish to bless. Smudge each room toughly.
Once the circle is cast and the your rooms are smudged come to your altar or the center of your home. (or what feels like the energetic center to you)  
  • Ground yourself

  • Call in the Quarters

  • Invoke the Goddess
If you are unfamiliar with Casting a circle, grounding, and calling the quarters see my post on Opening and closing sacred space here https://triplemoonmagic.blogspot.com/2017/11/opening-and-closing-of-sacred-space-for.html
  • Blessing the Home~
Go back out the front door and pray…

“Goddess, Spirits, and Elements, I pray you bless my home and hearth. I honor you beautiful energies of the Mother Earth, and thank you for my safe, secure, and happy home.”
Burning cedar walk through your home blessing each room again with the sacred cedar smoke.

  • Clearing the Home~
Go back out to the front door and pray…

“Goddess, Spirits, and Elements, I pray you clear my home and hearth. I release any energies that do not serve me or my family’s health and happiness.”
Burning Palo Santo walk through your home clearing and releasing the space in each room, opening all the windows as you go.

  • Protecting the Home
Go back out the front door and pray…

“Goddess, Spirits, and Elements, I claim protection for myself, my family, and pets. I thank you for keeping us safe, healthy, and protected. May this home be a place of magic, laughter, and love.”

  • Sprinkle salt water in each door way, and window sill as you close it, and each corner of the rooms you are blessing.

Once this is done sprinkle black salt around each door way leading in or outside of your home.
  • Making an energetic grid
To create an energetic grid select crystals that have the magical properties you desire for each room. This can be done by simply placing a crystal or stone in the 4 corners of the home over all. Or you can place crystals in each corner of each room. Some of my favorites for this are

Carnelian: (Sacral Chakra)
Taking action, changes, make it happen.

Citrine: (Solar Plexus Chakra) Clarity, creativity, imagination, connection to Higher Self

Amethyst: (Crown Chakra) Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictions

Quartz: (All of the Charkas) Amplification of intention, clearing, cleansing, healing, magnification of ambient energies.

Rose Quartz: (Heart Chakra) The ultimate healing and self-love stone

Or whatever stone you feel called to. 
If you are focusing on protection you can’t go wrong with selenite and black tourmaline.
If you have small children who may be at risk of choking on small stones and crystals, you can get creative and place them over window and door trim instead.
As you place each crystal affirm your intentions. For example…

For a bedroom- (rose quartz) “May this room be full of rest, relaxation, and love.”

For a home office (Citrine) “May this room be a productive place of creativity and inspiration.”

Once your stones are placed go to your altar of the center of your home and envision the energetic grid of the crystals criss crossing on your floor throughout your home, grounding you and supporting you in the love and light of the Goddess and Mother Earth.
Thank the Goddess, Spirits, and Energies of your home for your blessings, and protection.

  • Dismiss the directions.

  • Dissolve the sacred space.

Blessed Be!


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