Full Moon Ceremony November 4th 2017

Full Moon and Elements ~ By Michelle Cicala

Here is a sample Full Moon ceremony 
Feel free to make changes to fit your personal practice.

Using sage, salt water or both cast your circle. Starting in the East  walk around the entire intended ceremony space 3 times.

Grounding~ Stand tall and proud feel your bare feet on the floor growing roots deep into the Mother Earth. Feel her energize you and support you. 

Call Quarters…
(Facing East)
Goddess of the East:
Goddess of the East, Goddess of Air
Lady of laughter and cheer
The skies are yours.
May the air be clear and sweet
Help us Goddess to feel your power and
presence within our minds.
Grant us the power of intellect.
We ask that you join our sacred circle this night.
We bid thee Hail and Welcome

(Facing South) 
Goddess of the South
Goddess of the South, Goddess of Fire
Bring us the passion, your energy, your
sparkle, your enthusiasm of life.
Warm our spirits with your energy, your vitality.
Help us Goddess to feel your power and presence
with our spirits.
We ask that you join our sacred circle this night.
We bid thee Hail and Welcome.

 (Facing West)
Goddess of the West
Goddess of the West, Goddess of Water
The seas are the domains of our serene Lady.
The mysteries of the depths are yours alone.
Lovely One, the sparkling waters are yours.
Let us look into your depth and learn your mystic secrets.
Bathe our hearts with new innocence and teach us to
love, trust and be compassionate to others.
Help us Goddess to feel your power
and presence within our emotions.
We ask that you join our sacred circle this night.
We bid thee Hail and Welcome.

 (Facing North)
Goddess of the North
Goddess of the North,  Mother Earth
of mountains and caves.
The powers of death bow before you.
Blessed Lady, the Earth is yours.
May it become fertile and rich and free from harm.
We ask that you join this sacred circle tonight.
Help us Goddess to feel your power and presence
within our bodies. We bid thee Hail and Welcome.
Now the sacred space is ready for the ceremony.

White for the Maiden ~ Red for the Mother ~ Black for the Crone

"Three Candles I do Light
In Honor of Thee, O Goddess this sacred Night
White for the Maiden pure as Snow
Red for the Mother full within, and
Black for the Crone, old and wise"

Or you can light one candle for your patron Goddess.

If you are outside, you can spend some time looking up at the Full Moon and talking to the Goddess. If your inside  you can write your Goddess a letter. Explain what you are grateful for, what your releasing, and what you want to manifest. Pour your heart out to the Goddess. Feel Her love, light, and protection shining down on you. When you are ready, sit in stillness and ask Her if she has a message for you at this time. Listen to the wisdom of the Goddess as whispers Her guidance from your heart. 
You can either carefully burn your letter to release it, or I like to place my letter in a bowl filled with water and let them charge in the moonlight over night.
In this sacred space you a can preform a spell, create charm, or anything else you are inspired to do. Full Moon is the time to charge your crystals, magical tools, make moon water, and crystal elixirs.  Everything benefits from a powerful overnight moon bath! (Just remember to bring your items in before sunrise.) Place your items to be charged in a safe place where they will be in direct moon light. This can be an outside altar, on the ground, or in your window sill. 

Black Cat's Altar ~ By Michelle Cicala
 When you are ready to end your ceremony, thank the Goddess and dissolve the sacred space.

Thanking the Triple Goddess

"Wise Crone, who face is hidden from the starlit night
Thank you for joining my sacred this night.
I bid thee farewell
(Put out Crone/black Candle)

Mother, nurturer and giver of life
Who dances across the nightly sky in your silvery light
Thank you for joining my sacred circle this night
I bid thee farewell
(Put out the Mother/red candle)

Maiden, bringer of new ideas and inspiration
Who dances across the sky in carefree glee and anticipation
Thank you for joining my sacred circle this night
I bid thee Farewell"
(Put out the Maiden/white candle)

 Dismiss the Quarters – (face the direction you are dismissing.)

Goddess of the East Dismissal
Goddess of the East
Lovely one of intellect and mental powers,
airy breezes and clear thoughts.
We thank you for your presence on this
magickal night.
Depart to your lovely realm
We bid thee Hail and Farewell.

Goddess of the South Dismissal
Goddess of the South
Firey light and passionate vitality.
We thank you for attending on this magickal night.
Depart to your lovely realm.
We bid you Hail and Farewell.

Goddess of the West Dismissal
Goddess of the West
Mystic One
Deep waives of feeling and Mystic Sight.
We thank you for your presence on this magikal night.
Depart to your lovely realm
We bid thee Hail and Farewell.

Goddess of the North Dismissal
Goddess of the North
Lovely one of ancient wisdom.
Stable Earth Goddess of abundant growth.
We thank you for attending our circle on this magickal night.
Depart to your lovely realm.
We bid thee Hail and Farewell.

Pull your magic circle in to you and send it to the light.

Happy Full Moon!
Blessed Be!


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