Moon Water & Crystal Elixirs

By: Michelle Cicala July 7 th , 2017 “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” ~Carl Sagan The Power of the Full Moon: Everything in nature has beautiful qualities that we can learn to adapt into our life. One of the most powerful of these is the Moon. Each lunar phase is unique and has distinctive magical energies we can draw on. The full moon is the most powerful lunar phase. We use the full moon to clear and clean our crystals and magical tools. This extremely powerful lunar energy helps to remove all dense, stored up energies, washing the crystal clean (like the tides cleanse the beaches) and re-energizing it. The full moon is the time to charge moon water and crystal elixirs, and perform rituals of protection. This a time for focusing on our blessings and gratitude. It is a time to be mindful of all that we have, and all that we have c...